Small business owners are often so busy with day-to-day business operations that they often neglect the financial needs of their own family. Needless to say that’s a big mistake. If your personal finances are inextricably linked with your business, your family’s financial plan needs special attention.

This is a common observation that family’s well being is completely tied to business fortune. This may expose the family to business risks as many of the business risks are not within the control of the entrepreneurs.

Creating and sticking to a family financial plan makes sure you have enough to retire, mitigate the impact of business risks to family, fulfil your children’s education, and enjoy your aspirations.

Personal Finance Management for the SME employees :

We believe that the life of employees is inseparable from that of the business. Since working environment in SMEs foster closer bondage than a corporate environment, it is important to enable employees to secure themselves with planned approach to meet their life goals .

As part of this we offer to assist employees our service to understand their personal financial aspects and find a solution to improve their finances. We help to plan and execute their Financial goals by offering personalized, practical framework comprising of:

a. Financial Safety    b. Stability and c. Aspirational Goals

Financial safety net for unorganised labours :

We also assist the unorganised work force of SMEs to secure themselves with financial safety net based on the plans which we have devised.This aims to empower them through financial counseling and get enlisted for various social security products. A financially secured work force makes the workplace a secured and productive environment.

We Assist You In

1. Developing a financial plan for self & family and Wealth Management

2. Investing the savings keeping in view the need for Liquidity, Safety and Return

3. Buying suitable insurance products for self & family

4. Raising home loans, vehicle loans from banks and NBFCs

5. De-risking the family from business risks

6. Advising suitable financial plan for your employees based on their circumstances