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Approaching the right source for financing is an issue for MSMEs. Many a time they get a cold response in their own bank where they have an operating account. Also, each bank shifts its priority focus for lending depending upon the portfolio strategy, varying risk appetite and plan to deploy the resources to more profitable avenues. The customers of the bank may suffer the loss of opportunity if they find themselves not in the priority area.

Many MSMEs are struggling to secure bank funding due to lack of availability of collateral security. Banks normally look at collateralising the loans, and it has become a norm nowadays.

As a result, MSMEs are running around for raising much-needed fund. There are instances where they become victims in the hands of unscrupulous elements who exploited their situation as an opportunity for extorting money by giving false promises.

The technology is emerging as a great enabler to compress the time and space to engage with an appropriate lender who can meet the needs of entrepreneurs.

The present initiative aims to bring all public sector banks on a single platform to offer eligible and potential SMEs to secure financing without any uncertainty. Bringing together all the lenders seamlessly make the process of selection easier for them and in effect they truly empowered to seek financing.