
Debt Restructuring – Capitalise relaxed regulations

Debt restructuring is important to overcome the distress especially during the pandemic. However one should exercise caution while seeking initial moratorium and revising repayment schedule Recently we came across a […]

Proper classification of entries in the annual accounts- An essential task for SMEs

Accurate classification of entries in the book of account is a basic requirement for proper representation of financial standing before lenders and other stakeholders. Recently we were approached by one […]

Sustainable competitive advantages and Financial discipline in SMEs

COVOD19 pandemic triggered disruptions have shown how important it is to build good financial discipline alongside building sustainable competitive advantages. Recently we met an entrepreneur who has been into a […]

Diversification: A significant transition risk for MSMEs

Many entrepreneurs opt for diversification to mitigate the risks from existing business. However, success depends upon how well it is handled from the beginning. Recently I had interacted with an […]

Leverage & Uncertainty- Double Whammy for MSMEs

The MSMEs which are leveraged will find going will be very challenging in the present circumstances. This should enhance the appreciation for prudent financial management. Recently I had a call […]

Credit Guarantee- A reality check

In the post- COVID scenario, MSME financing is almost identified with Credit Guarantee schemes. We look at its effectiveness and appetite among the consumers (MLIs). Credit guarantee was born with […]

MSME Funding Package of Govt of India – A Critical Analysis

MSMEs are offered a financing package to overcome pains from COVID19 lockdown. The package is not universal and likely to have limited impact on the segment. Govt of India recently […]

COVID 19: The key risk for MSMEs- Liquidity or Solvency?

COVID 19: The key risk for MSMEs- Liquidity or Solvency?

Post lockdown there is confusion about MSMEs’ real challenge- Is it temporary liquidity mismatch or long term sustainability. Recently RBI announced a relief of moratorium (to pay EMIs) to businesses […]

Covid 19- Banks need to be more flexible to support the businesses

Covid 19- Banks need to be more flexible to support the businesses

Evolving scenario due to Covid-19 endemic is creating a huge liquidity crunch for many businesses especially MSMEs. Banks should support by extending loan with very flexible terms. Post lockdown announced […]

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